We're proud to be partnered with CLiCK! because first-and-foremost, they're a non-profit that focuses on bettering the community. They offer a wide range of cooking and gardening classes and host fun fundraising events.
With USDA licensing, CLiCK can buy produce from local farmers, process it into marketable products and sell/donate it to the local school systems/senior meals program/food pantries. This is the locally sustainable movement in a nutshell.

Here's us getting ready to make the new Zucchini Herb prototype with squash puree, pears, rhubarb, padrone and habanero peppers, herbs and spices. Check out the spectacular equipment that comes with the kitchen rental: 40 gallon steam jacketed kettle, outboard motor sized immersion blender and an 8 liter traditional blender.

I haven't been inducted into the mysteries of the Sacred Labryinth yet so your guess is as good as mine here.